Schwerdtfeger Transport | Express Logistics & Courier Service
We keep you updated frequently about current topics and issues around our firm and our services.
We keep you updated frequently about current topics and issues around our firm and our services.
Digitization has become one of the dominant topics in many areas of our everyday lives. The lack of digitization in German public authorities is very often reported, but what is the situation in our transport industry? This should not go unmentioned, because there is still a lot of potential for development there as well. In the meantime, people often talk about digital freight forwarding, but what exactly is behind this nice-sounding term?
The main objective of a digital freight forwarding company is to make all processes more efficient. This is done by first digitizing all communication processes and then automating as many processes as possible. This starts with the inquiry, which provides the customer with full transparency and a real-time comparison of prices, and continues through to digital invoicing and payment within the platform provided. There is also the option of connecting the company’s own platform with the customer’s software in order to automate yet another interface and increase customer loyalty.
The customer benefits from cost and time advantages, simpler processing, and increased planning reliability for his supply chains. On the other hand, the digital forwarder also benefits, because his employees save valuable working time and can be deployed for more important tasks.
Will customers who are not tech-savvy fall by the wayside?
Although the number of digital freight forwarders and platforms is steadily increasing, the classic freight forwarder is far from being obsolete. The demand for individualized services and professional advice is still high, which is why traditional business models can also solve complex customer problems thanks to their long experience.
Redspher Group works hybrid, covering all customer needs. At our company, technology and transport experts work together to meet the requirements of our customers and transport partners. The focus is on the Shipper Portal, which fully covers the entire transport process and provides users with considerable cost and time advantages.
▶️Learn more and register for free:
Today we would like to draw your attention to the Shipper Portal and introduce you to our innovative solution finder. The Shipper Portal is a platform of the Redspher Group, which gives you direct access to over 20,000 verified forwarders and carriers. You, as our “Shipper”, make your inquiry, select the most suitable offer and order the transport solution. You are supported around the clock by our transport experts, who you can contact at any time if necessary.
➡️ Not yet registered in the Shipper Portal? Then it is high time. Request a demo and and you will receive your access data.
Since our founding in 1994, we have maintained a cooperative partnership with experienced German and international logistics companies and have built up a powerful network. As a result, we know the regional particularities and can react faster to your needs.
We also have Schwerdtfeger locations that we have opened in the immediate vicinity of Germany’s most important economic areas:
This allows us to have a nationwide presence for our professional transport and logistics services. Despite our successful growth, we are deeply rooted in the regions of our locations and maintain very good contacts with our regional partner companies and transport service providers. We are constantly expanding these partnerships while keeping an eye on the optimum for our customers.
On 21.05.2022, a further stage of the EU Mobility Package Part 1 came into force and provided for numerous innovations. In particular, the extension of the license requirement will lead to further bottlenecks on the transport market, because for cross-border transports with vehicles or vehicle combinations with a total permissible mass of more than 2.5 tons, the transport company requires a Community license. Previously, the so-called “EU license” was only required for vehicles with a total mass of 7.5 tons or more. This change particularly affects many companies in the small transport sector and will lead to a further shortage of loading spaces❗️
✅A strong network that bundles all availabilities and makes them accessible to its users is all the more important. This is precisely the strength of the Redspher Group, to which Schwerdtfeger Transport GmbH also belongs. Together, we bring supply and demand together.
➡️Here you can see all current changes at a glance: Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport
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